It's worth noting that the other aspect of the ideology is there are some solutions which they simply won't tolerate. In the UK, the London Challenge and other initiatives all but eliminated racial gaps in educational performance under exam conditions nationally at sixteen. One of the key factors in achieving this goal was the widespread adoption of far stricter school discipline across London, with the most excellent schools adopting the most draconian regimes. It seems those strict Catholic nuns who lifted an entire generation of American Irish up by their ears and into the middle class, after over a century of poverty and squalor, might have known something after all.

But try telling an American White Leftist that African Americans should have a choice between several of their local public schools and a charter school or two. Try telling them that, with the exception of the 2%, shunted off to high performing magnets, every schools academic results should be listed in league tables, with every parent offered a rank-choice for child placement- with the only criteria for which kids and parents get placed in the best schools in their catchment area, the kid's record of school behaviour and attendance. Try telling them that schools which fail consistently should be put in special measures, and have exceptionally high performing headteachers parachuted in to fix the problem- and if the situation doesn't change the school should be closed.

Liberals believe discipline kills creativity- if that were the case, why is it that almost every commercially successful creative is either a) incredibly driven, self-disciplined and hardworking or b) a thoroughly tormented obsessive?

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All you suggest requires confidence and mental strength. Both are shunned by the liberals. Strength in general really. Much of our world is shaped by the fearful projecting their nonsense on to the rest of us.

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Have you seen the Bill Maher Valuetainment podcast? Every time Patrick Bet-David starts to make an argument, poor old Bill starts to accuse him of having the potential to make a great politician. Still- at least it was civil and not combative. My personal favourite was the Glenn Loury Bad Faith podcast with Briahna Joy Taylor. It's one my arguments I deploy with good faith Leftists- at least worker owner cooperatives can actually work, as a form of community capitalism- unlike most Leftist governmental ideas.

Another one I'm working on is that the real problem is scale. A 2018 survey of British workers found that 75% of those who worked for small business employers were either extremely or very happy with their working arrangements. Large organisations, by comparison, make workers miserable...

Apparently, responsibility without authority even shortens lifespan.

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I can understand that. Every large place I have worked, public or private sector, is horrible. Usually bureaucratic and inhuman.

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I think it's also that in a small business you get to see your boss on a daily basis. The situation lends itself to natural human reciprocity. In large institutions or companies a lot of management is by proxy, through the dreaded Hormone Replacement Department.

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Hormone Replacement!! I’m going to have to pinch that one lmfao!

I’ve worked in a couple of small places, and they’ve all been very good; I’ve only left because giant companies have bought them out and every time that’s happened, they’ve just wanted to close the site and make everyone redundant. Happened again for the 3rd time at the beginning of this year.

We never used to even have a HR and we didn’t need one, but when the corporate giants take over, they plopped a plump £40K+p/a waste of oxygen in who did nothing but try to shove ‘mandatory’ DIE courses onto the staff and swan around like she owned the place. We called HR ‘Hostile Retard’.

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Believe it or not, there are a lot of companies out there who've realised that DEI actually increases racism and racially divisive politics in offices and workplaces. The smarter ones are actually looking for an improved version. Chloé Valdary runs a such a system. She was interviewed by Jordan Peterson a while back.

It might be a bit of an invitation towards foolishness, and I would recommend testing the water first, but it might worth suggesting her to a future of current employer. She bases her theory on the idea that most modern racial resentment and prejudice is based upon economic insecurity. I think it's an astute observation, given that the ruling elites simply won't accept a large majority of people (around 70% in most of the West) don't accept the premise of favouritism for compensatory purposes- unless its purely on economic grounds, in which case most people are in favour of giving smart kids from poor backgrounds a chance.

Elites are wired for equality (outcome). Everybody else is wired for fairness (proportionality). Her system works because it conforms to the ideal of procedural fairness. Just over 50% of Black men didn't vote for the recent quota system in California, even though they would have been direct beneficiaries. The percentages were somewhat lower for African American women- yet another sign of the greater gender divide in politics and culture.

Jonathan Haidt has given a few good talks on the importance of procedural fairness.

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Spot on, comrade. In the words of the poet Nas, "You can hate me now, But I won't stop now, 'Cause I can't stop now, You can hate me now." Good soundtrack for the reimagined Hunger Games as the elites reap us as tributes: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/the-hunger-games-capitol-recasting-dc-swamp

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Having read a lot about the struggles of inner city teachers trying to control disruptive students with little support from mostly black school administrators it seems to me that it would be possible to greatly improve the teaching environment by simply removing (expelling) those causing the most disruption. This would send a strong message about acceptable behavior and make it possible for most students to actually learn. Kids will quickly understand the consequences of disruptive behavior and change accordingly so relatively few would actually have to be removed. As with crimes like shoplifting it appears that society has given up on enforcing standards of accountability and thus its deterrent effect. A self fulfilling prophecy.

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Again, you would immediately get accused of 'racism' if you even thought about trying. This is because you would be enforcing White standards and sensibilities about etiquette and appropriate behavior. Mainstream conservatives will say that the criticism is incorrect because these are 'objective' standards, not understanding that us Whites are more successful in the first place because we adhere to these 'objective' standards better than other groups, thus making objective standards genuinely White.

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Excellent analysis. And absolutely correct. Our existence disproves their theories of how the world ought to operate.

That's why they will fail in the end. None of it is based on observation or reality. It is based on things appearing inside their heads.

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The Left is a mushroom. It wants to live in the dark and eat horse shit. It hates any light, be it divine light, intellectual light or practical light. The Left can't tolerate argument or dissent because it's ideas are built on clouds with no foundation.

But it does promise lots of free stuff and a society addicted to stealing other people's wealth is in serious trouble, if not doomed.

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Brilliant!! The Great Reset is reconstruction 2.0

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the leftist has this SILLY-BILLY notion that nature was always somehow perfect, and that life is already "the best possible world", nature is already a utopia; it's not man but society which causes evils (or something). But where does suffering come from? It must be, the leftist reasons, from some primordial evil force which is external and contrary to nature, some kind of anti-nature (as if such a thing is even intelligible) -the "conservatard" -so he thinks. B/c his political opponents are not just lower forms of nature, but actually forces of anti-nature,, the leftists implicitly views his opponents as literally subhuman, and existential threats. He can't help but hate and fight them in his raging, silly, vanity.

Those who understand that nature is imperfect the way it is -those who are realistic -however, know that no one is really subhuman, and that the process of nature is to -sometimes painfully -continually better and uplift what is imperfect; i.e. that eugenics is one of the main goals of society. and that there should be no conflict between nature, inequality and society; that the two can and mostly do work together. The libtards and co. are just social-lysenkoists,, benighted and bigoted in equal measure, yet, deep inside, these can and must be reformed and reformed only by that sole social force which is solely essentially capable of reforming them -the eugenicist, eugentrist, folkish, right.

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This is the problem for the DR the technique/technology which now via Ellul/Uncle Ted is also the cornerstone of the West Everything that the West is proud of is the result of this technique.I mean this egalitarian bullshit is only possible because of the technological society that the West built and perfected and not only perfected to chuck the ethnic group that built it.

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the tech of the future -and the most timeless - is genetic, and this will be where the rightist genetic-frame will come to shape and change society.

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It’s truly amazing that social engineering is still the aim of so many institutions - from education to entertainment. One has to wonder whether anyone can point to an example if it’s being a success. Ever.

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Denazification is their shining example

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It's quite simple when you understand the root cause of our enslavement: God vs satan.

Satan wishes to hinder as many as possible from choosing God's path. To do this, deception is the ultimate weapon. We are drowned in luciferian delusions almost 24/7 from birth to death. TV, music, hollywood, public schools, social media, federal regulation, corporate policy all contribute the flood of propaganda and indoctrination that steers us from God's light. One of satan's best tricks is convincing people that neither he nor God are real. The goal for him is to divert soul's away from God throughout their lifetime, unto death and thus win his war of rebellion. In damning so many souls to hell by deception, he believes himself to be greater than God.

Agents of the Great Work, by and large, are not aware of the master plan. They are simply what is known as useful idiots. They are plied with promises of fame, fortune, promotion, social clout and as we all know, blackmail. Everyone has an inner struggle choosing the Divine over our natural desires and this is where the fulcrum is applied. This is why so many are easily captured by the deception. Their lusts and greed become insatiable without proper spiritual discipline and we are simply in the way. And this is "why they hate us." Those in the upper echelons of the Great Work (even many of which are "still" not cognizant of the true end game) having a long-term separation from God, develop a lack of empathy (some more and some less unto the extremes where we see violent and disgusting behaviors) and are feeding off the fruits of our labors and misery - this is what drives them.

So, the absolute best thing you can do in these hard times is protect your Eternal Soul. It is wise to prepare for the coming hard times, physically. Have an escape plan (or two), stock up basic necessities, tools and first aid supplies to get you through a rough time. But nothing is more important than protecting your Salvation.

The Great Reset is imminent. There are no legal or political remedies available. Kinetic action is futile. Only a literal miracle would release us from the vast web in which we are entangled. Miracles can and do happen. It's hard to say whether we have such coming before His return.

Get out of the cities. Now. There's still time.

Network. Pray.

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Well put! This is why we have to move past centrism, we cannot afford to not think as a collective since our very nature is despised.

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"Another part is that our elites are social planners. Look at what happened in Germany post World War Two, look at Reconstruction, and the Civil Rights Act..."

J. Burden I agree that it has become increasingly impossible for even normies to ignore the extent to which our regimes have come to despise us. The Harris campaign and Kier Starmer's hysterical overreaction to the riots after the Southgate terror attacks at the girl's dance class both demonstrate the incompetence of this current batch of mediocre elites at hiding their animosity toward the wwc. And I am a fan of your show and paid subscriber - yours is one of the few pods that I make a point of listening to regularly…

however, I’ve been a bit frustrated with this take. Or maybe I’m missing something in your take on Germany post WWII with martyr made on your show, and your quote above with Mironchuk is indicative of this same obtuseness (in this instance). There seems to be this mystified take on the right at the current moment about why the regime turned every bit of its energy to not only destroying the third Reich (in this instance) but in propagandizing the entire world to paint it as the ultimate evil - even to the point of allying with the objectively more monstrous Stalinist USSR. I cannot tell if you guys are being coy or not and so I’ll answer your question as to why the regime simply must unleash everything it has on making whites despise national socialism and thats bc they know its popular and that the people love it. There’s not really much more to it: it is because of the phenomenal popularity of the political/economic admixture of being both left and right and neither and yet squarely of its own culture and society that it cannot be allowed to exist. They know that the nascent values must be social engineered and/or propagandized out of existence even if it takes 200 years. because they know it is completely natural to the mass culture age. They do not pay a moment's mind to soviet socialism because they know nobody wanted it in the first place never mind now. The simple calculus has always been that you cannot allow something to exist that everyone greatly prefers over your own offering. To beat it you have to make it illegal. Its not complicated.

So, in the end I suppose your analysis is correct that ultimately the un-engineered white is the foremost foe of the regime, and for good reason. I just don’t see why anyone is confused by the next logical inference which is that when empowered configurations of white identity emerge the regime panics and begins dropping bombs literally or metaphorically. When the king ignored parliament in England, he ran the risk of being beheaded. While the “king” today is a managerial regime with much more power than any king ever had - it has not forgotten what can happen when “landowners’ revolt”. Smaller examples being Richard Nixon’s capture of the working class whereby he was not allowed to exist as a political entity and the chimpanzee like response of the media to DJT destruction of neocons in the GOP primary of 2016. The reverberations continue my friend.

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Why do they hate us?

Simple: We are the creation that outgrew our creator race.


They are an Alien Race consist of pure living Energy and they created us as a portal to enter this world.


They created all Religion to portrait them as God over us.

And their Genetic Offspring are the Jews.

We are genetically modified Therapoda educated by deception and lies and put into this materialistic Prison.


From the Tower of Babel we been educated against our Nature and against our will because we did not know better.

We been raised as slaves by them the eternal Zionist Illuminati Bloodlines.

We are perfect.


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Unfortunately there are a great many "conservatives" who not only seek to social engineer for power, but also profit from the grifts.

The freemasons of the highest degrees are demon worshippers. They hate God. Therefore they hate humanity because we are the favoured creation of God. They seek to enslave all those they don't murder.

You are in a spiritual war. When you understand that fact and begin acting on it, you will see a major shift in results.

So I pray: Eternal Father please help us free the slaves, stop the wars, and end tyranny. Please help with guidance, resources, ingenuity, endurance, fortitude, and patience. Please show us the little fires so we may pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. Amen.

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Excellently renditioned essay.

Do/Did you know, Jacque Fresco, Founder of The Venus Project: Beyond Politics, Poverty & War; convinced a middle Eastern dictator that the earth was NOT flat? And/Or how he did it?

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Spot on.to resist we need to raise our children to be the bearers of a deep culture.

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