1.) Enemies fired

2.) Friends hired

3.) Money is given to your side via patronage.

4.) They are trained never to cross your side again.

The acquisition of power via a W should look like the above. 1&2 assessed via Schmittian distinction.

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This is a good essay as an engineer accurately defining your ur variables is the most valuable tool in approaching a problem and this is a good first step towards that

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Great article. We need to fight back using a strategy that will win. As of now, the left use their control of the media to put forth and advance new outrages. Our response has been to object, then surrender and apologize.

Unless we change and do more than just react, we are going to lose everything.

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Maybe the Amish are on to something. Just with cars.

A healthy functioning parallel society with positive natal rates, family formation, education and economy. That's a win right there.

No need to reinvent the wheel.

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How do we break the spell of these false wins? If my son was gorging himself on cotton candy, he would be disciplined. But he needs to make the connection and understand the reason for why he is being punished.

It seems that the right generally fails to make the connection and doesn't realize that being in a continuous victory lap is causing it to lose, over and over again. Are we just in denial?

I think we need to be self regulating. It starts at home, we have to stop feeding into the RW "infotainment" algorithm. We need to start to build taboos around celebrating victories until we actually start winning. "No enemies to the right" but if someone is their own enemy and self-sabotaging then they need correction.

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Excellent essay with clear intention. I will say that I am still hesitant about the viability of this strategy in the present. While we certainly should adopt the "enemies fired, friends hired" strategy, the democrats have a massive amount of latent activists just sitting around waiting for to be cogs in the machine.

I don't think the Right has a similar "activist" (for lack of better word) pool to draw from. It's not like we're vying for control over labor unions that could swing things in one direction or the other like 100 years ago. It's just unhappy dudes spread out in geographically insignificant ways across a massive nation.

Gotta start somewhere I suppose.

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I think there are structural issues in post modernity that really make the game un-winnable for the right. I mean, do we want to win THIS game. To essentially be in control of THIS America? I think until the current game concludes (the one that has game pieces like smartphones, TikTok, Netflix, etc) it’s impossible for the pro Nomian forces to overcome those entropy bombs. No matter how much energy you put forth, it will just be dissipated.

Not to be overly blackpilled. The goal should less be winning, but doubling down on being resilient and waiting not to win, but to emerge into the new game when the time comes

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