Good point. Ill need to address that going forward

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This is an important distinction. In its essence this woke Xeno-Religion is a Satanic inversion of religion.

It is a Faustian bargain, and they will soon find out the one thing they did sacrifice is their soul.

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Leftists progressives hate themselves and their very existence

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I use to buy weed from George Floyd

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I always under stood woke to be the name given for a conglomeration of allied cults. The Apocalyptic Climate cult, the Racial cult of BIPOC, the cult of Sexual Perversion (LGBT+), cult of Progress etc.

They differ from proper religions because they’re thin, almost like a tribal religion but attached to a mission instead of a people

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If new atheism is a religion then this is a religion.

Unless you'll say it's a xeno-religion too, in which case, fair enough...

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Progressive goals to rid the word of inequity and hierarchy rhymes with the Puritan goal of freedom from evil. Both are limitless goals to purify the world and require a heavy top down presence. This "freedom" is diametrically opposed to the meaning of the word most Americans hold which is freedom from top down control.

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Au contraire, the Puritan notion of freedom, that is, the freedom to worship God, is core to what America is. Besides, the Puritans did want freedom from the top-down control of the English church hierarchy. The only difference is that they conceived of freedom, not in the individual sense, but in the collective sense.

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If you look deeper you'll find freedom from evil and "ordered liberty" was how they defined freedom. You can hear echoes of this in FDR's "freedom from fear" and today's liberal missionaries. "Albion's Seed" goes into some depth on this and the other distinct American "freedom ways"

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You sound vaccinated

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Do better. You sound like a Panjit.

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Then I am a convert to this Xeno-religion.

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